codefresh create context git bitbucket <name>
Create a bitbucket context.
Git context are used to clone repositories during pipeline execution.
Learn more about git context here:
To create bitbucket context you need to generate application password from here:{YOUR-USERNAME}/app-passwords.
codefresh create context git github <name>
Create a github context.
Git context are used to clone repositories during pipeline execution.
Learn more about git context here:
To create Github context you need to generate the token here:
codefresh create context git stash <name>
Create a stash context.
Git context are used to clone repositories during pipeline execution.
Learn more about git context here:
To create Stash context you need to provider username and password.
codefresh create context git gitlab <name>
Create a gitlab context.
Git context are used to clone repositories during pipeline execution.
Learn more about git context here:
To create gitlab context you need to generate the token here: