
Get Runtime-Environments

codefresh get runtime-environments [name]

Get a runtime environments configuration.

Delete Runtime-Environments

codefresh delete runtime-environments name

Delete a runtime-environment.

Apply Runtime-Environments

codefresh patch runtime-environments [name]

apply changes to runtime-environments resource.

Use apply to patch an existing context.

Attach Runtime-Environments

codefresh attach runtime

Attach a runtime to agent.

attach runtime.

Create Runtime-Environments

codefresh create runtime-environments [cluster]

Create a runtime environment.

Diff Runtime-Environments

codefresh diff runtime-environments [first-re-name] [first-re-version] [second-re-name] [second-re-version]

Show diff between two runtime environments configuration.

Uninstall Runtime-Environment

codefresh uninstall runtime

Uninstall a runtime on kubernetes cluster.

Install Runtime-Environment

codefresh install runtime

Install and create a runtime on kubernetes cluster.