Attach Runtime-Environments


Attach a runtime to agent.

attach runtime.


codefresh attach runtime


Option Alias Type Default Description
--help Print help information
--runtime-name Runtime’s name
--agent-name Agent’s name
--agent-id Agent’s ID
--runtime-kube-context-name Runtime kubernetes context
--runtime-kube-namespace Runtime’s namespace
--runtime-kube-config-path Path to kubeconfig file for runtime (default is $HOME/.kube/config)
--agent-kube-context-name Agent kubernetes context
--agent-kube-namespace Agent’s namespace
--agent-kube-service-account The service account to use for the agent pod
--agent-kube-config-path Path to kubeconfig file for the agent (default is $HOME/.kube/config)
--restart-agent restart agent afte install - default false
--platform-only Set to true to attach runtime to agent on the platform side only
--verbose Print logs